
以管理求效益 以品質(zhì)求發(fā)展 以服務求信譽
選擇銀達 ,享受好品質(zhì)
Keywords: demo

+86-0574-62598438 62599507

Product Center
多年專業(yè)經(jīng)驗 實力雄厚 專業(yè)生產(chǎn)園林工具修枝剪刀片、割草機刀片以及高端激光切割修枝剪刀片、割草機刀片和各種大型五金沖壓件及鈑金件產(chǎn)品,經(jīng)過多年研發(fā)、研究、積累了豐富的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)驗和較強的成產(chǎn)能力,可以滿足客戶的各項要求。
產(chǎn)品規(guī)格齊全 應用范圍廣泛 擁有主要生產(chǎn)設備50余臺,現(xiàn)具備年產(chǎn)修枝機刀片250萬套的能力,配置了高精度的檢測設備 和高素質(zhì)的生產(chǎn)、技術(shù)和檢驗隊伍。
完善的售后服務 跟蹤服務反饋 企業(yè)宗旨——“以管理求效益,以品質(zhì)求發(fā)展,以服務 求信譽”的貫徹實施,使企業(yè)在同行業(yè)中處于領先的地位。
About us
選擇銀達 ,享受好品質(zhì)
Yuyao Yinda Elecric Appliance CO.,LTD.

The Company is located in Xiaodong Industrial Development Area with the convenient transportation. It closed to Xihuan South Road, only 40 kilometers to NingBo Airport. It covers an area of more than 20000 square meters with more thanm0000 meters' building area.

The Company specializes in manufacturing Garden Tools-pruning blades, trimmer, high-end laser cutting blades for pruning machine, trimmer, all kinds of large metal stamping parts and sheet metal products.We have accumulated rich experience in production and strong production capacity on pruning blade and trimmer with many years of development and research. So we can meet customer's different requirements. Now, we have established a good relationship with several well-known domestic and foreign enterprises. And enjoys high prestige among the customers.

News center
2017-10-10 13:45:26
By Wa LoneYANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar authorities said there was no sign of attacks by Roh...
2014-08-08 00:00:00
By Sam Edwards and Jose Elías Rodríguez, Reuters ? October 10, 2017 Catalan leader unde...
2014-05-04 00:00:00
Madrid (AFP) - Catalonia's government has threatened to declare independence af...
Yuyao Yinda Elecric Appliance CO.,LTD.
Tel:+86-0574-62598438 62599507
Add:NO.523 Xihuan South Road,Xiaodong Industry Zone,Yuyao,Zhejiang
Copyright ? Sunway Hanguang Electric Manufacturing Limited Power by:www.hozest.com
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